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What are skins?

Skins are sets of files that you can create and/or share with other users, allowing you to customize the look of Weather1. Think of skins as "faces". You can change the "face" of Weather1.
Some skins below are shown with optional features turned on, such as the SideImage and Multi-City view options. Keep-in-mind that just about everything is customizable. You can hide/show any of the display fields within the main window - as well as customize the font color/size,etc of each field (ie: if you want the temperature to be a large, red font, you can do that). The background for the main window can easily be changed to be an image or any color or gradient. :)


How do you use these skins in Weather1? You already have a Skins folder under your directory: Weather1/Skins. It contains the default skin (which you can change). To add another skin, simply download one of these and create a sub-directory under the Weather1/Skins directory and give this new folder a name (usually the same as the skin name). Unzip the skin into this new folder. To use it, simply start Weather1 and click Options->Skins->Load a Skin, and select the skin file in the folder you just created. That's it! To use the default skin, simply click Options->Skins->Use Default Skin.

Kromo-Zone Kromo-Zone skin.

Skin is included with Weather1.

Weather1 Version required: 5.0 or higher.

Kromo-Zone skin with Hue settings at 123 Kromo-Zone skin with Hue setting at 123.
To change the Kromo-Zone skin to this blue hue, simply look under the Options menu and click General Preferences. Then in the Preferences window, click the "General" tab and scroll down until you see the Brightness and Hue settings. Then just move the Hue bar until it reads 123. :)

Skin is included with Weather1.

Weather1 Version required: 5.0 or higher.

Aqua skin Aqua skin.

Skin is included with Weather1.

Weather1 Version required: 5.0 or higher.

Devoir skin Devoir skin.

Skin is included with Weather1.

Weather1 Version required: 5.0 or higher.

Longhorn skin Longhorn skin.

Skin is included with Weather1.

Weather1 Version required: 5.0 or higher.

More Vs. 5 skins coming soon!

If you develop a cool skin for Weather1, please let me know. If it's cool, I'll be happy to include it here! :)
Here are some good, general links for Skins:

Visual Styles

Weather1 Version 5.0 or later supports Visual Styles. You can download them at various places around the 'net. I plan to include some here soon. You do not have to have Windows™ XP in order to use this feature. :)

Here's a good link for Themes (Visual Styles):

Weather1 Version 4.x (or older) skins only - click here.

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Weather1 skins, skins weather, weather conditions, forecasts, weather software skins, weather program skins, weather software, satellite images, weather1