Version 10.5 (please read comments below):
Before you install, please note:
- If you're installing over an older version (before 10.0), you'll need to clear all of your saved locations because you'll need to rechoose them.
- Not all advanced features are available yet, they are being redesigned and are coming back soon.
- Please be patient as I finish the rewrite. I had to switch data vendors because my previous vendor became insanely expensive.
Version 10.5 - Weather1.exe - (~6.4 MB - updated 1/1/2021)
Previous versions:
Version 10.4:
Before you install, please note:
- If you're installing over an older version (before 10.0), you'll need to clear all of your saved locations because you'll need to rechoose them.
- Not all advanced features are available yet, they are being redesigned and are coming back soon.
- Please be patient as I finish the rewrite. I had to switch data vendors because my previous vendor became insanely expensive.
Version 10.4 - Weather1_10_4.exe - (~6.4 MB - updated 12/24/2020)
[NOTE: Older versions will no longer be supported since the data providers have shut down the older data feeds.]
Optional Announcement Files
optional Weather1 Australian-male voice announcement files.
(about 107k, instructions in readme.txt)
optional Weather1 child voice announcement files.
(about 382k, instructions in readme.txt)
optional Weather1 Computer voice announcement files. I tried to
get close to the voice of the computer in the movie "War Games."
(about 308k, instructions in readme.txt)
optional Weather1 female voice announcement files. (updated 08/2006)
(about 900k, instructions in readme.txt)
optional Weather1 female-Computer voice announcement files.
(about 721k, instructions in readme.txt)
optional Weather1 Italian male voice announcement files.
(about 417k, instructions in readme.txt)
- Looking for more temperature announcement options? So am I... If you have an idea for another
voice file type, and the ability to record the files, please contact me via
e-mail with your idea. I'm currently looking for people who can create
authentic voice files for the following:
- Australian female voice.
- French - male or female voices - in English and also in French.
- German - male or female voices - in English and also in German.
- Spanish - male or female voices - in English and also in Spanish.
- Dog voices - just kidding! :)
- Humor ones like: Southern Texan, California Valley Girl, or 70's Jive-talkin'.
- Others.....I'm open to ideas. If you have a talent, feel free to
send me your idea via e-mail.
Optional weather wallpapers:
- Weather wallpapers -
Over time, I've come across many cool, weather wallpapers...images
of tornados, lightning, etc. I've decided to create a page to display
some of these so you can download them for your own enjoyment.
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Weather1 provides the best features of any weather program.