Weather1 (TM)
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What's New

Recent version notes:

  • 10.0 - 10.5:
    • Starting with Version 10.0, I have started using a different data provider. The previous provider became insanely expensive.
    • Updates to Radar/Satellite images - some sources moved servers again.
  • 9.01 - 9.02:
    • Updates to Radar/Satellite images - some sources moved servers again.
  • 9.00:
    • New data feeds.
      Unfortunately, this caused several problems:
      1)..a lot of code rewriting to use the new data feeds,
      2) data sources have increased their pricing dramatically (4X!),
      3)..Old versions will stop working soon because they are shutting down the old servers.

      I'm releasing this 9.00 version a little early so that most of the basic features will be working. There are still some qwerks that I need to work-out (ie: Warnings, Alerts, etc), and I'll continue to improve these as I get time. As for pricing, I'm going to have to increase my pricing to see if I can try to break-even. This is unfortunate, but I don't want to offer software and have to lose money doing so. Soon you may see a message stating that you'll need to upgrade. If you currently have a subscription, please cancel it and re-register under the new pricing so that I can continue to develop this software. Pricing will be updated very soon. Thanks for your support!
  • 8.63:
    • Fix to small radar image in main location window.
  • 8.61-8.62:
    • Updates to Radar/Satellite images - some sources moved servers again. Added a few new global satellite images.
    • New weather icons in the Forecast section.
  • 8.60:
    • Updates to solve some Windows 10 bugs! Please use Windows 7 -- SO much better.
  • 8.56:
    • Updates to Radar/Satellite images - some sources moved servers again, including TWC.
  • 8.55:
    • Fixed odd "152 - No server" error.
    • Added new/updated Radar Images:
        Animated Loops:
        US Radar loop - Last 3 hrs. - UniSys
        US (NE) Radar loop - Last 3 hrs. - UniSys
        US (Atlantic) Radar loop - Last 3 hrs. - UniSys
        US (NW) Radar loop - Last 3 hrs. - UniSys
        US (MW) Radar loop - Last 3 hrs. - UniSys
        US (Central Plains) Radar loop - Last 3 hrs. - UniSys
        US (SE) Radar loop - Last 3 hrs. - UniSys
        US (SW) Radar loop - Last 3 hrs. - UniSys
        US (Southern Plains) Radar loop - Last 3 hrs. - UniSys

        US Radar Image - Unisys
        US Central Plains - RCM Radar Image - Unisys
        US Atlantic - RCM Radar Image - Unisys
        US Midwest - RCM Radar Image - Unisys
        US Northeast - RCM Radar Image - Unisys
        US Northwest - RCM Radar Image - Unisys
        US Southeast - RCM Radar Image - Unisys
        US Southern Plains - RCM Radar Image - Unisys
        US Southwest - RCM Radar Image - Unisys
    • Other misc. fixes.
  • 8.54:
    • Updated Moon data for moon phase calculations.
    • Other misc. fixes.
  • 8.53:
    • Fixes and additions to U.S. (state level) Radar images.
  • 8.52:
    • Misc. updates.
    • removed old Yahoo image references/links, outdated NASA images, outdated Navy images, and old NOAA High Density Winds links
    • updated Geostationary Satellite Image (full disk) links - visible and lr IR.
    • updated U.S. Flood Outlook image
    • updated U.S. Influenza Report - CDC
    • updated U.S. Severe Weather Alerts
    • updated U.S. Seismicity Image - USGS
    • added additional EPA Air Quality images
  • 8.51:
    • Added new Moon data for 2013, 2014.
    • Other misc. fixes.
  • 8.50:
    • Fixed weather warnings/alerts.
  • 8.17 - 8.20:
    • Fixed moon logic errors.
    • Fixed parsing issues with NWS station locations.
    • Minor improvements in program shutdown.
  • 8.15 - 8.16:
    • Fix to wallpaper positioning options (centered, tiled, stretched).
    • Minor improvements
  • 8.10 - 8.14:
    • Major enhancements to the weather warning logic.
    • Weather1 Task Bar is no longer supported and was removed from Weather1.
    • Many minor fixes and enhancements.
    • Improvements so that Weather1 can eventually run as a portable application from a USB flash drive or portable hard drive.
      NOTE: After vs. 8.10, Weather1 no longer uses the Windows registry to store user preferences. Instead, they are stored in the Weather1.ini file. This will aid in Weather1 being able to run from a portable USB flash drive, etc. Weather1 will automatically move user preferences from the Windows registry to the Weather1.ini file for you, and will then clean those from the registry.
      Warning: If after installing 8.10 or later, should you decide to return to an older version, the user preferences will no longer exist since older versions require they be in the Windows registry.
  • 8.09:
    • Improved International location searching.
    • Settings are now saved to Weather1.ini in your Weather1 folder. The purpose of this is to eventually allow Weather1 to run as a portable application from a USB flash drive or portable hard drive, etc.
  • 8.08:
    • Improved Country and Continent searching and related messages.
    • Minor improvements
  • 8.07:
    • Simplified "send message to support" feature.
    • Various satellite & radar image updates - especially under GOES Satellite listings.
    • Misc improvements.

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Weather1, weather, weather conditions, forecasts, forecast, radar image, satellite, software development, custom software, weather information, weather1 information, weather forecast